Wednesday 19 October 2011

Looking like me?

After doing this part, I found that it only takes a slight change to a face to make it look quite different. The main areas I changed were the shape of the eyes, the shape of the cheeks and the definition of the chin. Just spending a lot of time orbiting the model and looking for areas to tweak eventually resulted in an improved representation of me.

After making so many tweaks, it had stretched my colour map quite a lot. In the end I decided to redo the colour map with the new UVW rendered template. After doing it once before it was much faster to redo.
This had a knock-on effect to my bump map also which was redone. I left the specular map as the old one because any differences on that were not noticeable.

Redoing the colour map allowed me to go back and adjust some of the mapping too. Before, I found the eyebrows in particular quite stretched so I paid attention to this area when changing mapping coordinates. This resulted in a higher resolution eyebrow that was a much better shape.

Finally, the Hair and Fur modifier was applied to the top of the head. The hairs were cut, coloured and styled appropriately.

Below shows the original image and my final model!

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